Giving Back to Remember the Memories...
This stunning young couple is my parents, as young newlyweds nearly 70 years ago! They loved each other and journeyed through nearly 65 years together; creating volumes of memories through a myriad of shared experiences.
Not long after my Dad’s passing my Mom began to experience a significant decline in cognition. This decline, we would later learn, was from Alzheimer's, a form of dementia. And since dementia related illnesses had also greatly affected my Mom’s Mom and both of her sisters, my four siblings and I had some idea of what lay ahead for us.
That was nearly 7 years ago and thankfully we are still able to enjoy the warmth of our Mom’s sweet sweet smile, and the intense power of her loving hugs. She is full of joy, living most of her day in the memories of her past, those that she still recalls in great detail, and those she feels in her heart and soul. Memories, like the one depicted here, of March 29, 1956.
Although I don't know if there is any scientific "proof", I do truly believe that to intentionally create an event with love and sincerity, no matter the size, is to craft a memory to last a lifetime. That’s why I’m not only committed to helping couples create lasting memories through meaningful wedding scripts and ceremonies, but also to supporting research to better help us understand dementia related illnesses, so that we can better help those living with them and maybe, just maybe, one day find a cure.
Therefore, for each couple who books a service with me I will be donating 2% of the cost of their service fee to The Alzheimer’s Association (www.Alz.org) with hope that one day we will find a way to preserve the many great memories still yet to be made!